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018-750 52 11

Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers complains to the UN Committee Against Torture

Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers
19 November, 2018
Phone: +46 70 725 19 17 / 
Email: info@shrl.eu

Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers complains to the UN Committee Against Torture

We represent Joy and her little son, Nathan. The Migration Board has decided to expel them despite the risk of being subjected to violence, re-trafficking and in worst case, death - by the criminal network that sold and exploited Joy earlier. Now we are complaining to the UN Committee Against Torture. The background is that Joy was exposed to human trafficking  in Greece together with several other girls in captivity and was used in prostitution under slave-like conditions for 17 months. She was exposed to massive trauma exposure and to both physical and psychological threats and violence. During this time, Joy got pregnant. During a raid against the brothel, Joy, who was pregnant in the fourth month, managed to flee to Sweden, where she gave birth to her child.

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Skandinaviska Människorättsjuristerna (SHRL) är en skandinavisk juristorganisation som arbetar med att främja mänskliga rättigheter i Europa. SHRL är medlem i EU:s plattform för mänskliga rättigheter, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights http://fra.europa.eu/en)

SHRL arbetar via internationella nätverk och organ och som styrdokument finns FN:s deklaration om mänskliga rättigheter, Barnkonventionen, Europakonventionen om de mänskliga rättigheterna och Europarådets konvention om bekämpande av människohandel. SHRL och Scandinavian Human Rights Committee delar årligen ut priset Scandinavian Human Dignity Award.