018-750 52 11
018-750 52 11

Trafficking Case - Savka

WHEN SAVKA* WAS 15 years old she was forced by her father to marry a man who used drugs and was aggressive. After some time, she gave birth to a daughter who died after two months. She left her husband and returned to her father who sold her to a man in Sweden after one week’s time. When Savka refused to go she was abused by her father.

SHORTLY AFTERWARDS THREE men came and took her by force from her home country in South Eastern Europe to a town in the western part of Sweden. She was locked in during two months and was abused several times before she was taken to an apartment in the central parts of Sweden, owned by the man she was sold to. In his apartment she was raped many times by that man and his father before she managed to escape.

AFTER HER ESCAPE, Savka applied for asylum and the Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers were appointed as her public counsels. Despite coming to Sweden as a victim of human trafficking, the Swedish Migration Board decided to deny her application for protection.

SAVKA'S APPEALS WERE also rejected. She was banned from returning to to Sweden and the case was handed over to the police authorities for execution.

* Savka is really called something else.