018-750 52 11
018-750 52 11

Mostafa risks death penalty if expelled to Afghanistan

Mostafa risks death penalty if expelled to Afghanistan

Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers is representing Mostafa in a conversion case. When Mostafa arrived in Sweden he was invited to a church and the interest for Christianity arose. Mostafa began to take part in Bible studies and conversation groups and nearly two years later he got baptized. Mostafa posted a video from his baptism and Christian messages on social media. The posts lead to him receiving several death threats, even from people in Afghanistan who wrote that they would "cut the throat" of him. Although Mostafa could explain in a clear, credible and consistent manner about his conversation, the Swedish Migration Board decided to deny Mostafa’s application for a residence permit because they didn’t consider Mostafa’s Christian faith genuine. Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers found major shortcomings in the decision from the Migration Board. Therefore we appealed against the decision and demanded a new juridical review of his case. The Migration Court granted the appeal and now Mostafa awaits a new judicial examination of his case.

Skandinaviska Människorättsjuristerna (SHRL) är en skandinavisk juristorganisation som arbetar med att främja mänskliga rättigheter i Europa. SHRL är medlem i EU:s plattform för mänskliga rättigheter, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights http://fra.europa.eu/en)

SHRL arbetar via internationella nätverk och organ och som styrdokument finns FN:s deklaration om mänskliga rättigheter, Barnkonventionen, Europakonventionen om de mänskliga rättigheterna och Europarådets konvention om bekämpande av människohandel. SHRL och Scandinavian Human Rights Committee delar årligen ut priset Scandinavian Human Dignity Award.