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018-750 52 11

International Women's Day: A story about Joy, a victim of human trafficking

International Women's Day: A story about Madeleine, a victim of human trafficking.

Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers
8 March, 2019
Phone: +46 70 725 19 17 / 
Email: info@shrl.eu


Joy’s story

Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers have for several years represented the victim of human trafficking, Joy, * and her three year old son, in their asylum process. After a long struggle, they have been granted permanent residence permits in Sweden and can begin a new life and feel hope for the future again. On the International Women’s Day 2019, Scandinavian Human Rights lawyers wish to share Joy’s story through a short film and in this way shed light on the cruel exploitation that many women are exposed to throughout the world through the ongoing human trafficking.

During an oral hearing in the Migration Court in Gothenburg, Human Rights Lawyers referred to the obligations that Swedish authorities have to protect victims of human trafficking. In addition, an expulsion would be contrary to the right to private and family life, in accordance with Article 8 of the European Convention and, moreover, to the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the principle of the best interests of the child.

In 2018, the Migration Court decided that Joy and her son would be granted permanent residence permisa in Sweden and in their judgment referred to the right to private and family life and the best interests of the child, together with the fact that it was shown that Joy was a victim of human trafficking and that she therefore needed the extra support measures she currently receives in Sweden.

* Joy is actually called something else.

Skandinaviska Människorättsjuristerna (SHRL) är en skandinavisk juristorganisation som arbetar med att främja mänskliga rättigheter i Europa. SHRL är medlem i EU:s plattform för mänskliga rättigheter, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights http://fra.europa.eu/en)

SHRL arbetar via internationella nätverk och organ och som styrdokument finns FN:s deklaration om mänskliga rättigheter, Barnkonventionen, Europakonventionen om de mänskliga rättigheterna och Europarådets konvention om bekämpande av människohandel. SHRL och Scandinavian Human Rights Committee delar årligen ut priset Scandinavian Human Dignity Award.