018-750 52 11
018-750 52 11

About us

SCANDINAVIAN HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYERS is a law firm that works to promote human rights and freedoms in Scandinavia and Europe.
Our roots go back to 2012 when 10 lawyers and law students with the aim of promoting justice and defending human rights and making a difference for vulnerable people in our society, founded the non - profit association Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers. We started to help individuals voluntarily and focused on issues such as human trafficking, migration and asylum, which then developed into various EU projects in 2015. Since then, we have been Swedish experts in four EU projects funded by the European Commission, on human trafficking and migration. The goal is to work with partners across Europe and thereby promote human rights and freedoms.
The law firm Skandinaviska Människorättsadvokaterna is today a human rights law firm with a focus on human rights, asylum and migration law, family law, social law, labor law and support for victims of crime.

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LEGAL AID IS PART OF SOCIAL AID LEGISLATION. Financial circumstances and certain other conditions determine whether legal aid is granted. We help you with the application for legal aid.

Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers
Phone: +46 (0) 18 - 750 52 11
Fax: +46 (0) 18 - 10 04 99
E-mail: info@mradvokaterna.se
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